I was shopping at Target, of all places, and while browsing the food section (yes, Target has a food section) I came across Riblets! I just had to get them. On a side-note, I noticed that Target is surprisingly vegan-friendly. I saw all kinds of things that I would normally buy at the natural foods store (Amy's pizza, Odwalla bars, Cliff bars, soymilk, veggie burgers, etc).
Anyway, I was a little cautious with the first bite. I've had some pretty gross faux-meat products is all the years being vegetarian and vegan, and was worried Riblets would be yet another thing on that list. Let me tell you, Riblets are officially my favorite! They come slathered in a ton of sweet and tangy barbecue sauce and have a scary-similar texture and taste as "real" ribs.
I don't feel I need to "justify" my choice of eating fake meat (because I feel it is a controversial subject among vegans/vegetarians), but I want to make one thing clear: I think a lot of omnis mistakenly assume all vegans/vegetarians miss meat terribly and consume "fake" meat for the purpose of satisfying a craving for the real thing. This is not the case. When I was younger, my dad used to cook ribs on Sundays in the summer and we'd eat it with sweet corn and mashed potatoes. I have a lot of good memories of my family that are tied along with this food, and having something very similar yet without the cruelty is nice because it brings back memories. I also want to point out that meat itself is not what appeals to people, it is the emotional ties we have to it, as well as whatever cooking method makes it taste good. Very few people would kill an animal with their bare hands and eat the flesh raw.
Anyway, now that I'm done grossing you out...as much as I would have loved some sweet corn and mashed potatoes like my dad used to make, we didn't have any, so along with my riblets, I cooked up some Greens With Envy from Trader Joes (spinach, broccoli, green beans, asparagus and edamame) and some pre-packaged sundried tomato-flavored roasted potatoes.
My sister is also vegetarian and we both agreed that Riblets taste just like dad used to make. Awww... That's my Hallmark Moment for ya'll.